It is imperative that you read this guide prior to our session, so that you are well prepped for an amazing shoot.
Studio Address
I'm located at 1528 N Main St, Suite 106, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Parking: there is street parking available on N Main St.
A little heads up: there is one set of stairs leading up to my studio (no elevator but I'm happy to help you up the stairs!)
Please limit to a total TWO adults in the studio during your session.
Please no strollers or shoes in the studio.
How To Prep
- Stimulate & keep baby awake for an hour or two before the session. This helps make baby extra sleepy for the session. If the baby can fall into a deeper sleep, it makes posing easier. A warm bath is a great way to do this as well, talking & interacting with baby while keeping them in just their diaper.
- Please feed baby right before you leave your home. If you live further away then feel free to feed baby before and after you arrive in my studio. A full belly makes for a happy, sleepy baby. All babies are different, so if your little one chooses not to sleep much then we will embrace that.
- Bring all items that you will need to feed your baby for at least three hours (extra breast milk and/or formula, bottle, blanket, etc)
- The Studio will be very warm. Babies like being warm and having the heat cranked up helps baby stay settled and sleepy. Water will be available and you're welcome to bring a change of clothes if you think you’ll get hot.
- Pacifiers. A pacifier is highly encouraged. Usage will be minimal and therefore nipple confusion will not occur. If you are okay with baby using one, please bring a clean pacifier with you.
- Siblings are always welcome! However, since sessions may take 2-3 hours, it may difficult to keep them occupied. If they get frustrated I recommend having Dad or another family member pick them up once their photos are done. For those parents who cannot take their little ones back home, the Walnut Creek Library is a block away!
What to Expect
I like to go with the flow and let the baby lead the way. If baby needs a diaper change, feed or some mommy/daddy cuddles, I am totally ok with taking a little break and having a chat.
What to Wear
- There will be a collection of high quality neutral swaddles, headbands and bonnets for newborns.
- Go simple for family’s wardrobe. When planning your outfits for the family & sibling shots, stick with soft, neutral colors like grey, cream or white as the dominant colors. This keeps the focus on baby and the family connection.
- Avoid neon colors and logos.
- For siblings, classic and timeless outfits are recommended. Steer clear of logos and shirts with writing.
- Please no shoes in the studio- you're welcome to wear clean white socks or be barefoot during your session.
I am more than happy to help! If you have any questions or want some inspiration for wardrobe please shoot me an email at
You can also take a look at my Pinterest page for inspiration
Sit back & enjoy the session.